Tired of writing checks to pay your insurance premium?

Sign-up for our new electronic payment service option!

Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Company will initiate an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) of your payments directly from your bank account in accordance with the payment plan and draw date you specify.  You may select from 1) full pay, 2) two pay, 3) four pay, or 4) our new monthly (12) pay plan (which is only available by EFT). You save postage and time by not writing checks and we are waiving all service charges on our payment plans if you elect to pay by EFT.  It's easy to sign-up just follow the instructions below.


To Signup:

1.     Read about terms & conditions for EFT transactions

2.     Print the EFT REQUEST

3.       Complete & sign the form, be sure to attach a voided copy of a check for the bank account

4.     Return the form to us in the payment envelope provided with your renewal notice, least 2 weeks prior to your policy effective date

Be sure to:

·        Check a box on the form to indicate your pay plan selection

·        Indicate your payment day of the month choice (if you wish a day other than the effective day of your policy). 

·        Indicate the amount of your Farmers Union dues you wish to include with your first EFT payment.

·        Sign the form, you must sign the form before we can accept your EFT request.

·        Attach a voided check for the bank account you want us to withdraw from (write VOID in the signature area).

·        Return in the envelope provided at least 2 weeks prior to your effective date.


Please contact your agent if you have questions or need assistance

Send mail to cforney@fumico.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2012 Farmers Union Mutual Insurance
Last modified: July 23, 2012