Toole County Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Company organized. 1963 General agency contract signed by MFU Insurance Agency and Montana Farmers Union Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
1924 Company name changed to Montana Farmers Union Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Authorized to write business in entire state.
1965 Principal place of business changed from Conrad to Great Falls. Company records moved from Conrad to Great Falls building at 750 6th St. SW in Great Falls.
1927 Principal place of business changed from Shelby to Billings.
1983 MFU Mutual Fire Insurance Company merged into Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Company. New home office building at 300 River Dr. N. occupied and dedicated.
1938 Peter Bokma of Conrad elected to Secretary/Treasurer/Manager. Office moved to Bakma's home.
1939 Principal place of business changed from Billings to Lewistown.
1945 NFU Property & Casualty Insurance Company begins writing automobile insurance in Montana.
1985 Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Company began writing commercial and commercial automobile lines written by NFU Insurance Company.
1950 Office building built in Great Falls jointly owned by Montana Farmers Union Mutual Fire Insurance and Montana Farmers Union. Only Montana Farmers Union occupied the building.


New relationship with the Montana State Fund to offer worker's compensation.
1951 Montana Farmers Union Insurance Agency incorporated. General agents contract with the NFU Insurance companies signed.


Farmers Union Mutual Insurance doubled its assets since 1985.
1995 Montana Farmers Union Insurance Agency Inc. began writing policies through general agencies/ brokers for lines of business that did not fit into Farmers Union Mutual Insurance.
1957 Montana Farmers Union Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Principal place of business relocated from Lewistown to Conrad.
1959 Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Company organized. Began writing non-farm property business. Principal place of business Great Falls. 2002 Became a major sponsor of the Montana High School Activities Association.   Montana High School Association
1960 1st annual meeting of Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Company the same day as Montana Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Company.
2003 Farmers Union Mutual Insurance doubled its assets since 1992.
2006 This company was issued a secure rating by the A.M. Best Company, click for additional detailsReceived  A-  (Excellent) rating by  AM  Best Company.

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Copyright © 2012 Farmers Union Mutual Insurance
Last modified: July 23, 2012