
     Farmers Union Insurance represents three of the larger writers of crop insurance in the state of Montana. Our agents write both Multi Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) and hail insurance with these carriers. If you are interested in obtaining crop insurance from an agent there are some guidelines you should be aware of. The MPCI policy is a federally sponsored crop insurance program and there are deadlines for purchasing a new policy or transferring from one company to another, which is allowed. These deadlines vary by crop with wheat signup or transfers in Fall (Sept. 30) for all Montana counties except for a few located in the far northeast part of the state. Most Spring signups or transfers are due by March 15 (including wheat in the northeast corner of the state). Only one transfer is allowed for each crop year between companies. Make sure you want to transfer for that entire year as you cannot change back until the following year. The MPCI policy is the most important policy when discussing crop insurance with your agent. Most MPCI companies request that you carry the MPCI policy with them before writing a crop hail policy on any of your crops. For any questions about crop insurance, visit the agent page of our website to locate an agent near you. (click here to locate agent)

The three companies we represent are as follows

Rain Hail LLC

Rain Hail

Rural Community Insurance Services


Producers Ag Insurance Group


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Copyright © 2012 Farmers Union Mutual Insurance
Last modified: July 23, 2012