
     Commercial Business Owners (BOP), Contractors, and Commercial Package Policy (CPP) are all offered by Farmers Union Insurance.  A Montana Company, we know and understand the insurance needs in your local community.  Let one of our local agents review your commercial insurance needs and discuss options available to your business.

     To find out more about our commercial lines coverage, please explore our services listed in the lefts hand menu or call one of our local Montana Agents. (click here to locate agent)


  Commercial auto is written with Farmers Union Insurance and may consist of a single vehicle policy or a farm fleet policy of five or more vehicles.

   Farmers Union Insurance agents can customize coverage for your Commercial Automobile and farm fleet vehicles. Give your local agent a call and have him/her show you different coverage options. (click here to locate agent)

Business Owners

   A Business Owners (BOP) is written on those risks that are found in mainstream Montana. BOP's are a package policy that include property and liability coverages. Most BOPs have many extras included such as loss of income,  employee dishonesty, money and securities on and off premises, and account receivable/ valuable papers. Your local agent can assist you in developing a policy for your specific needs.  (click here to locate agent)


     If you are a Contractor you know the need for having a General Liability Policy.  At Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Company of Montana, we'll cover your General Liability, Property, and Builders Risk with options to include contractors equipment, installation floater, underground and  bailees coverage.  We insure most classes of Contractors. Our agents can assist you in developing a policy to meet you specific needs. (click here to locate agent)


Commercial Package

    A Commercial Package policy provides property and liability coverage on one policy. You can add coverages and exposures as you need. The difference between the Commercial Package (CPP) and the Business owners (BOP) policy is, a BOP policy is designed for the main street type risk while a CPP policy considers more unusual risks. You can write the CPP with replacement costs of actual cash value coverages. Endorsements may be added to create a specific policy to fit your needs. Our agents can assist you in developing a policy to meet you specific needs. (click here to locate agent)

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Copyright © 2012 Farmers Union Mutual Insurance
Last modified: July 23, 2012